Monday, December 29, 2008


Christmas Eve was a great time with family for me. Joe and I bought prezzies for all of the underage nieces and nephews and Ben and my Mom and Bill. We got IPods for Ryeley and Jayde and because of my mom's wisdom and foresight, we got those set up and downloaded the songs that Joe and I bought for them on ITunes gift cards and a couple of CDs my mom got for them for Christmas. As I said, it was wisdom and foresight because their mother, the supremely evil and stupid first wife of my brother, Brent, called and made him extremely upset during the whole present thing our family does on Christmas Eve. Of course, immediately after presents were done, he yowled out, "Gather up your shit, we are leaving!" or something close to that superimposed on a lion's roar, and Ryeley and Jayde made it so and they flew out the door. I guess the Supreme Imperious Bitch from beneath Hell wanted her kids back early and did not give a shit that there was a major winter storm brewing which made travel in the Utah mountains dangerous. My brother delivered them to Duchesne, where he met the Supreme Imperious Bitch from beneath Hell and then had to drive back home in the snowstorm by himself. Oh yeah, I asked both of my nieces if Barack Obama had gotten rid of jobs for the Supreme Imperious Bitch from beneath Hell and her fuckstick, but as of yet, they are still employed--just for the record.

Christmas Day, Joe and I woke up and came upstairs so that Clint and his five-year-old son, Kaden, could open the presents that Santa did not bring. Joe and I got Kaden toy Black and Decker weed wacker and leaf blower so he could be occupied while Clint did yard work. We got Clint an LCD picture frame and some expensive nuts. Gods, nuts are an expensive item for the holidays! I had no idea! We went out to Chinese food late in the afternoon in a nod to A Christmas Story. It was a lot of fun and it was raining before the really big snowstorm hit.

On a personal front, I am still recovering from Lusay's death. The first week was the hardest, but it is a lot easier now. I miss her so much. Loki is trying to be my lap cat during phone calls. However, he does not know how to control his claws and he becomes more of an irritant than a comfort when he plunges those needles into my belly when I am on the phone. Ulysses is doing the poop in secret places thing right now, so I need to correct that when I catch him. It seems like the whole social and habitual fabric of the house has been disrupted for now. I hope it goes back to an sense of equilibrium soon.

I am hoping that my friends had a great Solstice/Christmas and are now recovering from the season, especially Bret and TaMara because they are so busy at this time. I hope that Chrissy is healing up well and that Gwen is doing well in Las Vegas. I am hoping that work picks up so I am more busy with installs and that Joe gets over the head cold that I probably gave him.

1 comment:

Aisling the Bard said...

It sounds like your Christmas was wonderful and family-oriented, and I am so glad you and Joe had a nice day together.