Thursday, August 14, 2008

And the project gets stalled--after a certain amount of progress

Okay, BOOOOORING post here. I managed to clean up the den, vacuuming, carpet cleaning, wall washing. So now I am moving in my new office mat and office chair. Progress! Then I move back the wood shelf, now against the north wall instead of the window. Then I move back the small desk--I never moved the computer desk--I am moving it into position when there is this kind of snap-snap in my groin. It was like two guitar strings breaking. It wasn't so much painful as an interesting senstation as I was trying to push the desk into position. Within minutes, I was hardly able to walk. I knew what had happened. How many times have I heard about pulling one's groin? I have actually done this before when I was more into weight lifting. Okay, what did I do before? Ibuprofen, ice to the crotch . . . Eventually, I was able to lift my leg enough to get into the shower and clean up from my labours. I am not able to bring any more of the boxes I need to store in here because of the groin thingie. I can still hardly walk. Sitting is just fine. Ibuprofen and acetominophen are my dear friends right now. I am tired of ice. My great project is scaled back for now. I cannot move the bed in my bedroom to clean around and under it. I will have to work through the boxes of crap I moved out of closets and the den one item at a time, instead of moving them pell-mell into the office. I need to go buy one more tote for the bedspreads.

Tonight, I looked in on the Wasatch Pagan Alliance site. On this site there is a system of "karma points" where people can almost anonymously vote on the posts of the individual or on the value of the individual themselves. I used to think that this point system had value, but of late I have come to see this anonymous point system as an elitist vote that favours one certain clique in the Pagan community. A lot of the people in this clique are dear friends of mine, but I find this system of karma points unfair. It devalues individuals who have a dissenting opinion about attitudes and policy. It is almost as if individuals and their opinions get devaulued and discarded based upon their karma point score on the WPA website. I find this unfair and anti-democratic. I also think that people on the WPA vote in karma points rather than voicing support for or against various political stances in an anonymous way. I think this harms the parliament of ideas and creates a kind of popularity contest which enshrines the ideals of a certain clique or a certain majority and discounts and dismisses the opinions of those who feel differently. I think the system or karma points needs to be discarded on the WPA if real discussion and debate of ideas is going to continue and mean a damn to the all the parties invovled.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

And the project goes on

Today, I awoke and looked over the chaos of my living room and just sighed. How am I supposed to fix this mess up? Well, I had an ace in the hole and his name is Joe. Joe and I went to lunch. Joe and I went shopping. Joe and I bought an office chair and floor mat. So I was primed to rip another room apart. I had not pulled my "den" apart for over two years. I yanked out a desk, I rolled out and junked Brad's old stereo cabinet for clean-up. I demolished the futon I have had in here for eleven years and hauled it to the driveway. Now I need to finish vacuuming the room, cleaning the carpets with the carpet cleaner I inherited. Then I can place my mat and chair and then clean out the living room. It is all so deadly in its planning. A couple of spiders had to die in the re-conquest of my office. They had placed the dead bodies of lots of insects all over my floor behind wood shelves and desks. It was a killing field of bodies. The bodies were sucked up in the vacuum and so were their killers. I would have let the spiders go outside, but they would not cooperate and a couple of them were black widows, so I sucked them all up in the vacuum. Their broken bodies found their way to the rubbish with all the dust and cat hair that the cleaner picked up. Whooosh!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Spring Cleaning--In August

All is quiet on the Pagan front these days. I wish Russia would lay off Georgia. We will have to see how that plays out, but I have to say that I am on Georgia's side, against Russia and against South Ossetia and Abkhazia. Okay, just sayin'.

I am on VACATION. I have things to accomplish here. One of those things is the complete reorganization of my household. I have ripped the closets in my house apart, I have put clothes I am too big to wear into totes and re-stored them. I have thrown away clothes I will NEVER wear again that were too icky to be sent to charity--torn pants, stained shirts, clothes with holes in them. Why the hell did I keep them? I guess I thought that they would be useful someday. For what? Dust rags? Someone's denim quilt? I had shoes that I have not worn for ten years that I kept because I thought I needed to wear them out some more. These shoes had holes in the sides or holes in the soles, and I thought I needed to wear them out some more . . . These shoes were one puddle away from the trash anyway. Goodbye!

My couch/futon is going away. Little is keeping it together at this point. A nail and a cinderblock, and, as Joe pointed out to me, cat hair woven in an exquisite web to hold the frame together. It will be either tomorrow or the next day that I hack the fucker to pieces so I can haul it out to the curb for pick up in September. I wish I had a woodburning stove so that I might heat the house with the remnants, but that is not possible.

Tammy has her new kitchen and mine will be coming in September, so I have to evacuate my living room, move the kitchen there, so that my kitchen can be demolished and then rebuilt from the floor up. Yeah, the floor. It MUST come out. I am expecting that when we rip the floor out that there will be a huge colony of House Centipedes, which I will lovingly transplant outside. No genocide in MY house. Anyone who cares for their young is as good as Mormons in my mind's eye.

Loki likes "My Way" by Limp Bizkit. Who knew . . . I have just played it several times and he just works himself into a lather rushing about and meowing, like there is some ground squirrel that is just beyond his claws. He is really entertaining me right now while I write this.

I just found out that my cousin, Christy, is planning to "elope" to the Dominican Republic in November. I wish I could go there. I might have been able to go to Tucson, where she lives, for the wedding, but alas . . . no. I wish her well there, though. Wish I could be there . . .

Well, back to the reorginization.

It makes you wonder just who they really are
They say money is no object and weve got a car
They kidnapped tony where did they go
They went to get it done before he got too old
Theyre incognito, theyre into fame
They think they know it all you know their familys to blame
Isnt it funny, isnt it sad
You come up empty thinking bout the good times that you had
But:I like, when they talk really loud trying to tell you what they know
I like, when it blows real hard and it doesnt even show
They say: its plain to see, life is not a mystery to me
I say: thats plain as day I hope youve got yours right anyway
They say: its plain to see, life is not a mystery to me
I say: thats plain as day I hope youve got yours right anyway
It makes you wonder bout the things they say
We are never gonna leave, we are never gonna stay
They talk for nothing, they talk for free
They talk behind your back and to youre face theyre really sweet
Check out the language, check out the clothes
Their mother buys them shoes n where she gets them no-one knows
They go to parties to steal the show
By talking really loud n try to tell you what they know
But:I like, when they talk really loud trying to tell you what they know
I like, when it blows real hard and it doesnt even show
They say: its plain to see, life is not a mystery to me
I say: thats plain as day I hope youve got yours right anyway
They say: its plain to see, life is not a mystery to me
I say: thats plain as day I hope youve got yours right anyway
I like when they talk really loud trying to tell you what they know
Say, I like when it blows real hard and it doesnt even show
Say, I like when they havent seen a thing and try to tell you where to go
Say, I like when they talk really loud trying to tell you what they know
What do they really know?

Men Without Hats